WCYC Marine Services

The WCYC provides on-site marine services to both members and the general public.
Contact: 603-569-1234
[email protected]
PO Box 1282
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Contact: 603-569-1234
[email protected]
PO Box 1282
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Marine Service Forms
Click below for marine service forms:
Credit Card Authorization
2023 Spring Launch Form
Click below for marine service forms:
Credit Card Authorization
2023 Spring Launch Form

Marine Service Descriptions
OIL/FILTER CHANGE: Recommended yearly or 100 hours. Best done in the fall to prepare motor for storage (can be done in spring if needed). Engine gets warmed up, oil removed, change oil filter, change fuel filter (if applicable), add new marine oil.
OUTDRIVE GEAR LUBE: Recommended annually. Best done in the fall to check and remove water to avoid damage due to freezing in the winter. Gear lube is checked during winterization, but is not changed. All gear lube replacement is with high quality synthetic marine lube.
ENGINE TUNE UP: Recommended every 2 years or when engine is running rough, idling fast, or problems with starting. Consists of replacing cap & rotor and/or replacing points & condenser.
Ignition timing gets set to factory specification. Clean spark arrester and check fuel filter for water. Spark plugs get checked for fouling and replaced if needed (additional cost).
WATER PUMP IMPELLER CHANGED: Recommended every 2 years. Best done in Spring with tune up to ensure great water flow to keep engine cool.
SPRING START UP (INCLUDED IN WINTER STORAGE): Includes inspection of bellows for cracks and dry rot. Hull plug gets installed. Check and charge battery (if needed) and reconnect terminals. Summerize engine by installing all engine drain plugs, check all fluids, and start engine. Check oil pressure and verify cooling system is functioning. Perform load test on battery. Make sure boat floating properly. Safety devices are checked; blower, bilge pump, horn, and lights. Boats will be fueled up unless otherwise discussed.
*Does not include oil change, tune up, and or guarantee battery will “hold a charge”.
CORROSION PROTECTION (SACRIFICIAL ANODES): Recommended every year or two when needed. Anodes are pieces of magnesium bolted on to attract electrons near your aluminum outdrive. This reduces corrosion and wear on your outdrive. Once the anodes have “corroded away”, they must be replaced. Replacing anodes does not fix existing corrosion.
BASIC INTERIOR CLEANING: Boat will be vacuumed, seats and interior washed, windows cleaned and treated with RainX. Boats needing excessive cleaning will be extra.
WASH & WAX HULL: Does not include boats with excessive paint oxidation.
CANVAS CLEANING & WATERPROOFING: Recommended yearly. Remove canvas, inspect condition of zippers and snaps (replacement additional cost). Spot clean mildew, grease & heavy dirt, and bird droppings. Washed in machine with marine detergent, treated with water proofing, hang dry, and installed back on boat. Increases life of the canvas.
TRAILER MAINTENANCE: Includes lubrication of fittings, inspect tires and adjust tire pressure, check lug nuts function of lights, tongue latch, safety chains, wheel jack, cable strap and any visual safety issues.
OIL/FILTER CHANGE: Recommended yearly or 100 hours. Best done in the fall to prepare motor for storage (can be done in spring if needed). Engine gets warmed up, oil removed, change oil filter, change fuel filter (if applicable), add new marine oil.
OUTDRIVE GEAR LUBE: Recommended annually. Best done in the fall to check and remove water to avoid damage due to freezing in the winter. Gear lube is checked during winterization, but is not changed. All gear lube replacement is with high quality synthetic marine lube.
ENGINE TUNE UP: Recommended every 2 years or when engine is running rough, idling fast, or problems with starting. Consists of replacing cap & rotor and/or replacing points & condenser.
Ignition timing gets set to factory specification. Clean spark arrester and check fuel filter for water. Spark plugs get checked for fouling and replaced if needed (additional cost).
WATER PUMP IMPELLER CHANGED: Recommended every 2 years. Best done in Spring with tune up to ensure great water flow to keep engine cool.
SPRING START UP (INCLUDED IN WINTER STORAGE): Includes inspection of bellows for cracks and dry rot. Hull plug gets installed. Check and charge battery (if needed) and reconnect terminals. Summerize engine by installing all engine drain plugs, check all fluids, and start engine. Check oil pressure and verify cooling system is functioning. Perform load test on battery. Make sure boat floating properly. Safety devices are checked; blower, bilge pump, horn, and lights. Boats will be fueled up unless otherwise discussed.
*Does not include oil change, tune up, and or guarantee battery will “hold a charge”.
CORROSION PROTECTION (SACRIFICIAL ANODES): Recommended every year or two when needed. Anodes are pieces of magnesium bolted on to attract electrons near your aluminum outdrive. This reduces corrosion and wear on your outdrive. Once the anodes have “corroded away”, they must be replaced. Replacing anodes does not fix existing corrosion.
BASIC INTERIOR CLEANING: Boat will be vacuumed, seats and interior washed, windows cleaned and treated with RainX. Boats needing excessive cleaning will be extra.
WASH & WAX HULL: Does not include boats with excessive paint oxidation.
CANVAS CLEANING & WATERPROOFING: Recommended yearly. Remove canvas, inspect condition of zippers and snaps (replacement additional cost). Spot clean mildew, grease & heavy dirt, and bird droppings. Washed in machine with marine detergent, treated with water proofing, hang dry, and installed back on boat. Increases life of the canvas.
TRAILER MAINTENANCE: Includes lubrication of fittings, inspect tires and adjust tire pressure, check lug nuts function of lights, tongue latch, safety chains, wheel jack, cable strap and any visual safety issues.